Nutmace Dried

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Weight: 35 gm

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Swamis dried Nutmace is made from high-quality nutmeg. The nutmeg tree can yield up to three times a season. The outer coat or husk of the tree is separated and discarded after it has...

Swamis dried Nutmace is made from high-quality nutmeg. The nutmeg tree can yield up to three times a season. The outer coat or husk of the tree is separated and discarded after it has been harvested. The golden-brown colour aril, known as “mace,” tightly enfolds the nutmeg kernel just beneath the tough husk. Nutmace is slowly peeled from the surface of the kernel, squashed into strips, left to dry, and obtained as whole or finely powdered. You can buy Swamis Nutmace dried online and experience the no chemical and no pesticides product. Nutmace, along with other spices of the same spiciness such as cardamom and cloves, makes a delectable cuisine. This authentic Nutmace can be used in desserts, fruit pies, and cakes along with spicy dishes. 


The Nutmace spice includes numerous organic chemical compounds with anti-oxidant, immune building, and wellness-promoting properties. Many traditional medicines use the active components in nutmeg for anti-fungal, anti-depressant, intoxicant, gastrointestinal, and carminative capabilities. This spice contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Often many people use this spice in their meals because it aids the digestive process and ensures proper absorption. It is clearly evident because spices are frequently infused in some deserts popular in India for this reason. 

Let’s look at a few reasons why you should buy this Swamis Nutmace dried online


  • The essential volatile oils in Nutmace act as pain-relieving medicine 
  • Its calming effect can be effective in treating insomnia 
  • A home remedy for digestive problems like indigestion, constipation, bloating, or acidity
  • It stimulates the brain nerves and improves brain health 
  • Beneficial in skincare 
  • Helps in the regulation of blood pressure and circulation 


Though Nutmace has numerous health benefits, its overconsumption can lead to serious issues just like any other thing. It is more common in Kerala, India, where it was most likely brought in during the old spice trading. Because of its health benefits, the locals use it to flavour meat curries and desserts. Swamis dried Nutmace is collected directly from genuine farmers in Kerala, and then processed and packed by Green Valley Condiments in accordance with all safety standards. Buy Swamis Nutmace Dried online to add a special touch to your dishes and create a memorable cooking experience. 

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Weight 0.035 kg


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